Maÿlis de Sandol-Roy

Trainee Lawyer

Overview and Experience

Maÿlis de Sandol-Roy is a trainee lawyer registered in the Geneva register of trainee lawyers.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Neuchâtel (BLaw 2021), a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Fribourg, magna cum laude (MLaw 2023), and a Certificate of Specialization in Legal Practice (CAS – 2024). She was also a member of the team that represented the University of Fribourg at the Jean-Pictet International Humanitarian Law Competition in 2023.

Alongside her academic career, Maÿlis de Sandol-Roy was president of the ELSA Neuchâtel and Switzerland association, and founded the University of Neuchâtel’s first oratory competition in 2019. Active in the community, she provided legal advice on a voluntary basis as a member of the Permanence Juridique des Etudiants.e.s de Neuchâtel.

Before joining Angelozzi Lachat Avocats, Maÿlis de Sandol-Roy completed her training as a clerk-in-training with the Sarine District Justice of the Peace (Court for the Protection of Adults and Children), then as a legal trainee with the Fribourg Detention Facilities – Bellechasse site.

Maÿlis de Sandol-Roy works mainly in French and English. She also has a very good knowledge of German and Italian.